Water Quality Program
The Lassen County Water Quality Program is responsible for the enforcement of standards and codes regarding the construction and destruction of water wells, monitoring wells, exploratory soil borings and other special use wells.
We carry out this responsibility by reviewing and approving permit applications and conducting on-site inspections to verify proper seals, well locations and site information. These wells must have an approved permit from the Environmental Health Department prior to the start of any construction.
The purpose of the program is to protect groundwater quality and to ensure an adequate and safe drinking water supply for the residents of Lassen County. Improperly constructed, altered, maintained, or destroyed wells are a potential pathway for introducing poor quality water, pollutants, and contaminants into good-quality ground water.
Codes and Standards
Lassen County Code, Title 7 Health and Sanitation, Chapter 7.28 Water Wells
Forms and Handouts
Lassen County Well Contractors
Well Completion Report Request Form
Health Information
Contact Information:
Contact Information
Main Office
707 Nevada St
, CA
See map: Google Maps
Mon - Fri:
7:00 am-12:00 pm , 1:00 pm-4:00 pm
Sat - Sun: Closed
(530) 251-8373