Hazardous wastes may be a liquid, solid or sludge. The wastes may be by-products of manufacturing processes or has been determined by the generator the material is no longer usable. If the waste has any of these four characteristics, it is considered hazardous:
- Ignitability
- Reactivity
- Corrosivity
- Toxicity
These materials or substances include, but are not limited to: spent solvents, paints (oil and latex), used oil, used oil filters, spent acids, corrosives, unwanted or expired products (pesticides, aerosol cans, cleaners, etc.), universal waste, and pharmaceutical waste. If the original material or substance is labeled danger, warning, toxic, caution, poison, flammable, corrosive or reactive, the waste is very likely to be hazardous.
The CUPA is charged with overseeing the Hazardous Waste Generator Program. The purpose of this program is to ensure that all hazardous wastes generated by businesses are properly handled, recycled, treated, stored, and/or disposed.
For more information on specific hazardous wastes contact this Division at (661) 862-8740 or the Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC).
Hazardous waste generators have different guidelines and storage time frames depending on their status and amount of hazardous waste generated. Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG), Small Quantity Generator (SQG), Large Quantity Generator (LQG), Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) waste generator are the different generator statuses that can be assigned. See the chart below for specific regulations and storage requirements.
Small Quantity Generator SQG |
Large Quantity Generator LQG |
22 CCR § 66262.34(d), 66262.34(d)(3);
22 CCR § 66262.34;
Accumulation Time Limits |
Accumulation Time Limits |
22 CCR § 66262.34(d)(2),66262.34(d)(3) |
22 CCR § 66262.34(a) |
≤ 180 days or ≤ 270 days (if greater than 200 miles) |
≤ 90 days |
Refer to the Hazardous Waste Generator Requirements Summary Chart below and the and the Hazardous Waste Generator Requirements Fact Sheet for more information.