Public Authority
Our Provider Registry is a listing of providers eligible for referral and available for work. These providers have met the Registry Applicant requirements including completing a Registry application, which includes proof of identification, personal and professional references, work preferences, work location preferences, etc. Registry Providers have also completed the State required Provider Enrollment process. Any IHSS recipient in need of a provider may request a list of names and phone numbers of available Registry providers. Every Registry Provider must call the IHSS office by the 5th of each month to check-in to remain on the Registry. At this time, the Registry provider will be asked to verify that the provider’s address and telephone number on file is current and they can request to remain on or be added to the monthly “Available Provider” list.
Application, Eligibility, and Enrollment Process for Registry Applicants
Fill out a Registry application and submit it to Lassen County IHSS/IHSS Public Authority Registry office. After references are checked, the applicant is notified by mail regarding their eligibility to continue the Registry enrollment process. If eligible an interview is conducted. If successful in the interview the applicant will proceed to Step 1 of the enrollment process.
Step 1-4: Follow Steps 1-4 of Non-Registry Providers enrollment process on the previous page.
Step 5: The provider’s name is added to the registry list and the provider is sent a SOC 848 to notify them of their acceptance to the Registry. Registry information (monthly call in, etc.) is sent to provider.
Step 6: When hired to work, a SOC 854 letter is issued to recipient. The SOC 426 A is also issued at this time to recipient to fill out and return to the IHSS office for their acceptance and start date of the provider.
Step 7: Provider is entered into CMIPS and when SSN is verified, care agreements are issued and timesheets ordered.
***NOTE*** IHSS Public Authority Registry providers are screened by IHSS. However, the recipient as the employer is expected to interview and screen providers as well.